True community requires volunteers to make sacrifices. The Transformative Justice Team has a community service component that is designed to enrich our participants' lives while also serving our community as a whole.
Some participants will contact their local library, ask for how they can serve and hopefully gain insight from organizing books, helping with events, or whatever they can do to help.
Some participants will contact other local social service agencies (such as Hope Alliance, Salvation Army, Bluebonnet Trails and SAFE Alliance) to see how they can volunteer.
Some of our participants will volunteer at the Baptist Children's Home or a local food pantry, help organize a food donation, or assist in gathering the needed items for the pantry.
Some participants will identify local government officials, county clerk, district representative, county judge, mayor, explore some of the current items they are working on, such projects, laws being written, and then send a thank you card to those officials for how their work impacts their community.
Some participants will identify a need in their community, such as more access to healthy food, more access to medical care, affordable housing, drug treatment, mental health services and then write out a plan on how they can get involved in addressing the need they focused on.
Some of our participants will find someone in the community who has gone through probation/mental health issues/served prison time/etc. and set up an interview with them and write a summary paper reflecting on that interview.
Some of our participants will need to explore the difference between credit unions and banks and open up their own checking and savings account.
Some of our participants will come to the Transformative Justice Offices in Georgetown, Texas, drop off their cellphone with case manager, pick up a large trash bag and gloves, and pick up loose trash around building and parking lot.
Some participants will come to the TJ building, drop off their phone with a case manager, and write a 10 page outline of their strengths, weaknesses, goals for the next five years, steps they need to take to meet their goals, and how their goals improve the community.
Some participants will come to the TJ building, drop off their phone with a case manager, and read a book that we have available for an hour and write down a two page summary of what they learned and how they could use the tools discussed in the book.
Some participants will come to the TJ building, drop off their phone with a case manager, and review their spending habits for 1.5 hours and write down 1-2 pages of adjustments they need to make.